bridgecity's Diaryland Diary


Remote Entry Button

I stopped using the remote entry car-key button to lock and unlock my car doors and trunk. I could tell the batteries were wearing down because it was only working about half of the time. It made me angry when it wouldn't work. This is the first car I've owned with remote controlled locks. I constantly forget to lock the doors and frequently have to walk back to the car to lock it. I was also always accidentally pressing the "panic" button making it honk nonstop until I pressed the button. I also hate the honking sound the car makes when it's remotely locked. And I hate how fucking huge it is on my key chain.
I decided my life would be better without the remote entry button so I removed it from my key chain. I believe I can say I made a good decision. Sometimes I miss the auto-trunk open button, but besides that I mostly appreciate not having to carry around a damn huge electric button on my key chain.

11:36 p.m. - 2010-10-14


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