bridgecity's Diaryland Diary


5 years ago

2003-05-24 - 3:20 a.m.
My most recent job was as an usher at the Dixie Chicks concert here. I got the call just an hour before I was suppose to be there. None of the temp help was given any instruction on what exactly they were suppose to do, just that they needed to wear khakis and a black shirt. I didn't have any khakis and had to buy some at goodwill on the way. I was thoroughly searched when I arrived and told to go upstairs to get my "uniform" which was a cruddy t-shirt that said "usher" on the pocket. The guy who was suppose to tell us what our job entailed was an unbelievably irate promoter who was yelling to almost 300 ushers crammed into a hallway random things we were to take into consideration. He also informed us that earlier there had been a mail bomb detected in the mail room and several bomb threats already and if we told a particular "code number" we were to evacuate the building immediately. I was never informed of what the actual number was. We were sent off to our positions and told to stay there unless someone told us otherwise. I was stationed on the balcony, sections 88-90, given a tiny flashlight and told to keep people from setting their drinks on the ledge and from smoking and standing in the aisles. Since the Dixie Chicks fans consist soley of females age 6-39, with the exception of their parents, and their dates, not much rowdiness was bound to breakout, although I did notice quite a few lesbians, and after the show ended another usher told me she had to break up a lesbian makeout session in the nosebleed section. The lightshow was pretty psychedelic and needlessly elaborate, but I think without the light show there would be nothing, and nobody there. So I stood there, not doing my job, watching the show, not allowed to sit down, flashing my flashlight around, growing evertired of the terrible music. After 2 1/2 HOURS of performance they finally stopped, and then my job was to search my section for stuff that people left behind. No one left behind anything but half eaten pretzels and nacho cheese covered boxes. Overall it was rather uneventful, it was a nice job that i certainly would like to do everyday, but it's not everyday that the Dixie Chicks roll thru town. boohoo.

1:59 a.m. - 2008-05-24


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