bridgecity's Diaryland Diary


king o hearts

Watched an exceptional film i found at the library called "King Of Hearts". It's about during WWI a scottish soldier in charge of carrier pigeons gets stuck in an evacuated town where all the people from the insane asylum got let loose and took over the town and for some random reason they dub him the "king" and the towns like a acidutopia of wierdness. it was very sad at the end and i could figure out why i thought it was so sad.
i've been eating alot of nuerontin pills. this is the newest drug for depression. although im not depressed, a friend here is who gives us the pills. it's a bit like prozac or something similar. prozac/atterol combo maybe. it's extra social and even enlightening. others break open the pills and snort it but i just swallow it. it makes one have very strange realistic seeming dreams. dreams inside dreams.
i wrote an exceptional song that made me cry. i think i wrote it while i was asleep because it just all came out at once. it's very good. it's called "Ida-lee" and i dont know what it's about. reading Al Frankens "Lies and the lying liars...etc" it started out really strong and got mired in economic issues and shit i can barely understand to give a shit about and Al trying to make obscure smug jokes about it. he tries hard to write for the layman but some political issues just arent good fodder for humor. It's is a rather shocking depiction of the right-wing media bias. and all this time I thought it was a left wing bias. because of my dad. and the right-wing i suppose.

3:01 p.m. - 2005-01-16


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